We think this looks great! Are any of our fantastic Volunteers interested?

Friday 21 July | 10.00am – 1.00pm | Leeds City Museum 

The BME Hub invites you to explore how arts and culture can bring people together across Leeds.

Hear from:

• Gabrielle Hamilton, Community Team Manager at Leeds Discovery Centre, about the work they have done to engage BME communities around culture and be part of the discussions around how the BME Hub can develop and maintain a sustainable link in the future.

• Leanne Buchan, Principal Officer, Culture and Sport about the brand new Leeds Culture Strategy and opportunities for the BME Hub to support delivery of the strategy

• Heather Nelson, Chief Executive Black Health Initiative, about the work they are doing to celebrate African Caribbean culture and 50 years of Carnival.

There will be an opportunity to have your say in roundtable discussions about how the Hub can improve access to arts and culture and ensure the city’s offer represents the diversity of Leeds.

Book a place here